Kicking it up a notch – Weights

I have 8 days until my 34th birthday. That means my birthday goal of being under 200 pounds should be close right? Like I can see the finish line and I’m going to break that tape of under 200 in the 100’s and never looking back. In a perfect world, yes! I was doing really…

Pancakes for dinner

I’ve been in these fitbit challenge groups so I’ve been trying to get as many steps in a day I can. (Side note: I did hit my 10k step goal today) Did some errands today and got some in. I took my toddler to the track the other day and put some videos on my…

Beach time in February

I live in California. Where the weather is always mild. If its over 79°F or under 50°F, us locals are not comfortable. Today it’s in the 80’s! Last week I was in boots, scarf, and heavy coat. Today I’m in shorts and a tank top. This morning was a little challenging finding something to wear…

Running with Under Armour

It’s Saturday! And it started out as a gloomy and rainy Saturday. But when I woke up I saw some sun coming in. I planned yesterday for a jog, since I was off for two days of  running, my wrists was hurting from controlling the jogger with one hand. I wanted to let it rest….

When you feel like giving up…

Ever get so frustrated on your fitness journey that you want to throw in the towel and head to the nearest burger place to drown your sorrows in a cheese burger and fries? I admit, at least once a week I question why am I doing this? Why am I consuming my life with fitness…

1 week Gluten Free

First week into the new year, we made it! Last Friday I made it a goal to be 100% gluten free. And I have made it a whole week! Last year I was kind of phasing myself into being gluten free. Trying gluten free items. Trying out recipes. Researching what gluten free is. I’ve read…

New Addition to My Garage Gym

Happy 2nd day of the New Year all! Have we all kept up some good decisions towards our goals? Personally, I have kept 100% gluten free for two days! Self high five! It’s hard and something I really have to be aware of. But it’s for a better feeling body. Yesterday’s post I put some…

Happy 2016 – Fitness goals

Happy New Year all!!!! This holiday season has been busy and crazy! Not so much of the traveling and going from house to house. We stayed in town and my home became the house everyone gathered. It was great! But also exhausting. Even had my brother’s best friend, that we all adopted as our brother,…