Udi’s Gluten Free Pizza Crust Review

I love when I find Udi’s gluten free brand at Grocery Outlet. It’s such a great product and a great price there. When I check it out at other stores, it’s usually 8x more than the Grocery Outlet prices. When I found these frozen pizza crust for $1.99, I had to try them out! You…

Getting PCOS under control. Harder than it sounds

I’ve always been on the heavier side since I was about 8 years old. Both my parents were bigger and back in the 80s, knowledge of less carbs and more protein with lots of veggies and fruit wasn’t as widely known. Both of my parents worked full time and came home around 5:30. My mom…

Fun find: Enlarger

My passion of photography started in high school. I took it as a freshman, junior and senior. I loved it! We took and studied black and white photography. Ansel Adams was of course one of the artist we studied a lot. Not only did we learn how to take pictures, but we also had to…

Running on the beach, not as easy as you think

Making a push to get at least 4 workouts in this week, Kristin and I decided to get an early morning run in. Since we’re so close, why not on the beach? Sounds ideal, right? Crashing waves, packed sand to easily run across, sea breeze blowing. Yeah, not today. The beach in our town is…

Back at it! Leg Day!

What a great day at the Pro-Am on Wednesday. But it’s time to get back on schedule. Today: Leg day! My legs and butt are toning up so much since I’ve started. Part due to building up my jogging and strength training. Me being a bigger girl (200+) I need cardio. I’ve seen some plans…

Fitness Reward at the Pebble Beach Pro-Am

My friend (and workout partner) and I were fortunate enough to attend the Pebble Beach Pro-Am today. It’s a golf tournament where a pro gets paired up with an amateur, usually a celebrity. I have to say my friend Kristin and I have come a long way in our workout journey together. We actually started…

Beach time in February

I live in California. Where the weather is always mild. If its over 79°F or under 50°F, us locals are not comfortable. Today it’s in the 80’s! Last week I was in boots, scarf, and heavy coat. Today I’m in shorts and a tank top. This morning was a little challenging finding something to wear…

Coocoo for Cocoroons

I tend to have a sweet tooth. I do love a nice treat. Before changing my lifestyle I would down 2-3 cupcakes. Have 3 cookies. Have 2 slices of cake. (Not all at once mind you) I’m not opposed to a treat now and then. In moderation of course. But being gluten free does make…

“Nailed it” gluten free bread machine moment

Even tho I’m gluten free, it doesn’t mean I don’t love bread. I love bread! Bread and butter at a nice restaurant. Garlic bread. Pizza. Croissants. A good pastrie. Fresh loaf of banana bread. Bread! Yum! Since we ran out of regular bread in my house for the boys, I decided to make my bread…

Grocery Outlet Repost!

If you have been reading my blog you know I LOVE Grocery Outlet! The prices help me stay within my food budget. They have yummy non dairy, gluten free, corn free stuff. Always something new to try. I visit my local store so much the clerks know me (and my baby). I love how friendly…