Pancakes for dinner


I’ve been in these fitbit challenge groups so I’ve been trying to get as many steps in a day I can. (Side note: I did hit my 10k step goal today)

Did some errands today and got some in. I took my toddler to the track the other day and put some videos on my Instagram. Well my older one saw and was sad we went without him. Today after homework, I took both boys out to the track. They loved running all over and climbing up and jumping down the stairs. It was a great time to get those steps in too!

I feel like moms live in a either or world. Either we go out and enjoy the beautiful evening exercising OR make a big full dinner. Today we picked exercise and enjoy the warm evening.

Now the question is, what’s for dinner? Got home around 6pm and needed to make something fast.

PANCAKES! Yep, pancakes for dinner. Gluten free pancakes. I found this Glutino gluten free pancakes. Just add 1 cup of cold water and shake it. I added cinnamon and a dash of vanilla.


They came out really good! Best and easiest gluten free pancakes I’ve had. They do have some corn starch so not corn free. Luckily I’m not that sensitive. If my Grocery Outlet still has some, I’m picking up as many as I can. A great deal for $1.49.

I already had ideas of what to top my pancakes with! (Muwahaha)


I made a syrup with some tart blackberries. Topped that with one and some whipped topping. The next one is sliced bananas and local berry honey. Last one is good old maple syrup. Baby ate all of the maple syrup one. I loved the blackberry syrup! It was so good!

Yummy quick dinner and sometimes you need breakfast for dinner.

What’s your favorite breakfast for dinner?

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