Kicking it up a notch – Weights

I have 8 days until my 34th birthday. That means my birthday goal of being under 200 pounds should be close right? Like I can see the finish line and I’m going to break that tape of under 200 in the 100’s and never looking back. In a perfect world, yes! I was doing really…

Gluten Free Bakery Find on a Road Trip

Every feel like you do the same thing every day? It’s the same routine day in and day out. Every weekend it’s the same things most of the time? If you’re like us, busy family and homeowners, seems like our weekend is consumed with fixing up the home and cleaning it.  With some occasional social…

New Addition to My Garage Gym

Happy 2nd day of the New Year all! Have we all kept up some good decisions towards our goals? Personally, I have kept 100% gluten free for two days! Self high five! It’s hard and something I really have to be aware of. But it’s for a better feeling body. Yesterday’s post I put some…

Gluten Free Oven “Fried” Chicken

Yes. It’s that time of year where I like to make stuff in my oven to stand by it and keep warm. One of my favorite dinners is fried chicken with mashed potatoes and some green beans. My mom makes some good fried chicken. She’s from Texas, so she knows fried chicken. She always used…

Busy mom, busy schedule, what to eat?

Most of the time you go to blogs to get tips, expertise, ideas, and see how the perfect people do it all. This is not one of those. I’m really involved with my son’s school’s PTA. We just had our fall festival. I headed up the Dinner & Desserts Silent Auction. Restaurants donated gift cards…