Fun find: Enlarger


My passion of photography started in high school. I took it as a freshman, junior and senior. I loved it! We took and studied black and white photography. Ansel Adams was of course one of the artist we studied a lot.

Not only did we learn how to take pictures, but we also had to develop our own film, and prints.

I still have my 35mm Canon Rebel. It took me months to save my tips from my restaurant job to buy it. I just can’t give it up. It still has film in it I need to develop.

There is this place at our dump called the Last Chance store. You can drop stuff off and they resell it. It’s a popular place. My oldest and I call it treasure hunting because you never know what you’ll find.

Picked this up for my friend

But when I spotted this beauty, it was like seeing an old friend.


Yes! It was an enlarger. The artist inside of me was like, “Buy it!”

Oh the memories of being in a dark room. Making a contact sheet. Finding the right exposure. Enlarging, dodging, over exposing. It was such art! I felt so creative. It was awesome to see one of these. I wanted to take it home and make a dark room. But its just not practical.

How technology has advanced photography. Anyone can make a good picture. Anyone can take a good picture. There was no delete with film. You had to have an eye. To see the potential of what a beautiful photograph you may have taken.

It would be at least 3 days until I could see my photographs. Now it’s instant. Oh don’t like that, delete, retake. More light, less light, get my flash out. Amazing how times have changed.

Where you put the negative to enlarge

I asked my husband if he knew what this was. He said, “yes! It’s a microscope?” I then schooled him on how it worked. It sparked a passion in me about photography. Just made me want to go out and shoot some pictures.

It was great seeing you old friend. Maybe one day I’ll have a dark room to create such art again. Until then, there is a filter to turn any photograph into black and white.

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